Delivering National Programmes : Tips and Tricks

Every All Stars Cricket and Dynamos Cricket session will be different but there are some common questions and challenges that are faced across most of our clubs and centres.

We have interviewed some of our most experienced National Programmes deliverers, asking them these questions and seeing how they overcome challenges which are shown on the videos below. We have also produced an Activator Handbook for additional guidance and support.

An Activator’s Advice

What do you advise activators to do if a game isn’t working
How do you manage kids that are overly tired or distracted
How important is engaging parents and guardians in supporting sessions
How can kids help to develop our National Programmes Sessions
What do you do if a child gets injured
What advice would you give for how you should introduce activities to kids
What's the most important thing when running National Programmes sessions

Activator Handbook

Downlaod a copy now or read below with our online viewer

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